chartit package


chartit.chartdata module

class chartit.chartdata.DataPool(series)

Bases: object

DataPool holds the data retrieved from various models (tables).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'_get_data': <function DataPool._get_data at 0x7f6033c7d6a8>, '__module__': 'chartit.chartdata', '_generate_vqs': <function DataPool._generate_vqs at 0x7f6033c7d620>, '__init__': <function DataPool.__init__ at 0x7f6033c7d510>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DataPool' objects>, '__doc__': 'DataPool holds the data retrieved from various models (tables).', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DataPool' objects>, '_group_terms_by_query': <function DataPool._group_terms_by_query at 0x7f6033c7d598>})

Create a DataPool object as specified by the series.

  • series (list of dict) - specifies the what data to retrieve and where to retrieve it from. It is of the form

    [{'options': {
       'source': a django model, Manager or QuerySet,
     'terms': [
       'a_valid_field_name', ... ,
       {'any_name': 'a_valid_field_name', ... },


    • options (required) - a dict. Any of the series options for the Highcharts options object are valid.
    • terms - is a list. Each element in terms is either
      1. a str - needs to be a valid model field for the corresponding source, or
      2. a dict - need to be of the form {'any_name': 'a_valid_field_name', ...}.

    To retrieve data from multiple models or QuerySets, just add more dictionaries with the corresponding options and terms.

  • APIInputError - sif the series argument has any invalid parameters.


All elements in terms must be unique across all the dictionaries in the series list. If there are two terms with same name, the latter one is going to overwrite the one before it.

For example, the following is wrong:

[{'options': {
    'source': SomeModel},
 {'options': {
    'source': OtherModel},

In this case, the term foo from OtherModel is going to overwrite foo from SomeModel.

Here is the right way of retrieving data from two different models both of which have the same field name.

[{'options': {
   'source': SomeModel},
 {'options': {
   'source': OtherModel},
    {'foo_2': 'foo'}]}]
__module__ = 'chartit.chartdata'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_group_terms_by_query(sort_by_term=None, *addl_grp_terms)

Groups all the terms that can be extracted in a single query. This reduces the number of database calls.

  • a list of sub-lists where each sub-list has items that can all be retrieved with the same query (i.e. terms from the same source and any additional criteria as specified in addl_grp_terms).
class chartit.chartdata.PivotDataPool(series, top_n_term=None, top_n=None, pareto_term=None, sortf_mapf_mts=None)

Bases: chartit.chartdata.DataPool

PivotDataPool holds the data retrieved from various tables (models) and then pivoted against the category fields.

__init__(series, top_n_term=None, top_n=None, pareto_term=None, sortf_mapf_mts=None)

Creates a PivotDataPool object.

  • series (required) - a list of dicts that specifies the what data to retrieve, where to retrieve it from and how to pivot the data. It is of the form

    [{'options': {
        'source': django Model, Manager or QuerySet ,
        'categories': ['a_valid_field', ...],
        'legend_by': ['a_valid_field', ...] (optional),
        'top_n_per_cat': a number (optional),
      'terms': {
        'any_name_here': django Aggregate,
          'func': django Aggregate,
          #any options to override
     ... #repeat dicts with 'options' & 'terms'


    • options - is a dict that specifies the common options for all the terms.

      • source (required) - is either a Model, Manager or a QuerySet.

      • categories (required) - is a list of model fields by which the data needs to be pivoted by. If there is only a single item, categories can just be a string instead of a list with single element.

        For example if you have a model with country, state, county, city, date, rainfall, temperature and you want to pivot the data by country and state, then categories = ['country', 'state'] .


        Order of elements in the categories list matters!

        categories = ['country', 'state'] groups your data first by country and then by state when running the SQL query. This obviously is not the same as grouping by state first and then by country.

      • legend_by (optional) - is a list of model fields by which the data needs to be legended by. For example, in the above case, if you want to legend by county and city, then legend_by = ['county', 'city']


        Order of elements in the legend_by list matters!

        See the note in categories above.

      • top_n_per_cat (optional) - The number of top items that the legended entries need to be limited to in each category. For example, in the above case, if you wanted only the top 3 county/cities with highest rainfall for each of the country/state, then top_n_per_cat = 3.

    • terms - is a dict. The keys can be any strings (but helps if they are meaningful aliases for the field). The values can either be

      • a django Aggregate : of a valid field in corresponding model. For example, Avg('temperature'), Sum('price'), etc. or
      • a dict: In this case the func must specify relevant django aggregate to retrieve. For example 'func': Avg('price'). The dict can also have any additional entries from the options dict. Any entries here will override the entries in the options dict.
  • top_n_term (optional) - a string. Must be one of the keys in the corresponding terms in the series argument.

  • top_n (optional) - an integer. The number of items for the corresponding top_n_term that need to be retained.

    If top_n_term and top_n are present, only the top_n numberof items are going to displayed in the pivot chart. For example, if you want to plot only the top 5 states with highest average rainfall, you can do something like this.

      series = [
         {'options': {
            'source': RainfallData.objects.all(),
            'categories': 'state'},
          'terms': {
            'avg_rain': Avg('rainfall')}}],
      top_n_term = 'avg_rain',
      top_n = 5)

    Note that the top_n_term is 'avg_rain' and not state; because we want to limit by the average rainfall.

  • pareto_term (optional) - the term with respect to which the pivot chart needs to be paretoed by.

    For example, if you want to plot the average rainfall on the y-axis w.r.t the state on the x-axis and want to pareto by the average rainfall, you can do something like this.

      series = [
         {'options': {
            'source': RainfallData.objects.all(),
            'categories': 'state'},
          'terms': {
            'avg_rain': Avg('rainfall')}}],
      pareto_term = 'avg_rain')
  • sortf_mapf_mts (optional) - a tuple with three elements of the form (sortf, mapf, mts) where

    • sortf - is a function (or a callable) that is used as a key when sorting the category values.

      For example, if categories = 'month_num' and if the months need to be sorted in reverse order, then sortf can be

      sortf = lambda *x: (-1*x[0],)


      sortf is passed the category values as tuples and must return tuples!

      If categories is ['city', 'state'] and if the category values returned need to be sorted with state first and then city, then sortf can be

      sortf = lambda *x: (x[1], x[0])

      The above sortf is passed tuples like ('San Francisco', 'CA'), ('New York', 'NY'), ... and it returns tuples like ('CA', 'San Francisco'), ('NY', 'New York'), ... which when used as keys to sort the category values will obviously first sort by state and then by city.

    • mapf - is a function (or a callable) that defines how the category values need to be mapped.

      For example, let’s say categories is 'month_num' and that the category values that are retrieved from your database are 1, 2, 3, etc. If you want month names as the category values instead of month numbers, you can define a mapf to transform the month numbers to month names like so

      def month_name(*t):
          names ={1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr',
                  5: 'May', 6: 'Jun', 7: 'Jul', 8: 'Aug',
                  9: 'Sep', 10: 'Oct', 11: 'Nov', 12: 'Dec'}
          month_num = t[0]
          return (names[month_num], )
      mapf = month_name


      mapf like sortf is passed the category values as tuples and must return tuples.

    • mts - map then sort ; a bool. If True, the category values are mapped first and then sorted, and if False category values are sorted first and then mapped.

      In the above example of month names, we mts must be False because the months must first be sorted based on their number and then mapped to their names. If mts is True, the month numbers would be transformed to the month names, and then sorted, which would yield an order like Apr, Aug, Dec, etc. (not what we want).

  • APIInputError - if the series argument has any invalid parameters.

Here is a full example of a series term that retrieves the average temperature of the top 3 cities in each country/state and the average rainfall of the top 2 cities in each country/state.

[{'options': {
    'source': Weather.objects.all(),
    'categories': ['country', 'state'],
    'legend_by': 'city',
    'top_n_per_cat': 3},
  'terms': {
    'avg_temp': Avg('temperature'),
    'avg_rain': {
      'func': Avg('rainfall'),
      'top_n_per_cat': 2}}}]

The 'top_n_per_cat': 2 term in avg_rain dict overrides 'top_n_per_cat': 5 from the comon options dict. Effectively, the above series retrieves the top 2 cities with highest avg_rain in each country/state and top 3 cities with highest avg_temp in each country/state.

A single PivotDataPool can hold data from multiple Models. If there are more models or QuerySets to retrieve the data from, just add more dicts to the series list with different source values.


The keys for the terms must be unique across all the dictionaries in the series list! If there are multiple terms with same key, the latter ones will just overwrite the previous ones.

For instance, the following example is wrong.

[{'options': {
    'source': EuropeWeather.objects.all(),
    'categories': ['country', 'state']},
  'terms': {
    'avg_temp': Avg('temperature')}},
 {'options': {
     'source': AsiaWeather.objects.all(),
     'categories': ['country', 'state']},
  'terms': {
    'avg_temp': Avg('temperature')}}]

The second avg_temp will overwrite the first one. Instead just use different names for each of the keys in all the dictionaries. Here is the right format.

[{'options': {
    'source': EuropeWeather.objects.all(),
    'categories': ['country', 'state']},
  'terms': {
    'europe_avg_temp': Avg('temperature')}},
 {'options': {
     'source': AsiaWeather.objects.all(),
     'categories': ['country', 'state']},
  'terms': {
    'asia_avg_temp': Avg('temperature')}}]
__module__ = 'chartit.chartdata'

Generates and yields the value query set for each query in the query group.


chartit.charts module

class chartit.charts.BaseChart(datasource, series_options, chart_options=None)

Bases: object

Common ancestor class for all charts to avoid code duplication.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BaseChart' objects>, '__module__': 'chartit.charts', '__init__': <function BaseChart.__init__ at 0x7f6033c950d0>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseChart' objects>, '__doc__': '\n Common ancestor class for all charts to avoid code duplication.\n ', 'to_json': <function BaseChart.to_json at 0x7f6033c95158>})
__init__(datasource, series_options, chart_options=None)
__module__ = 'chartit.charts'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Load Chart’s data as JSON Useful in Ajax requests. Example:

Return JSON from this method and response to client:

return JsonResponse(cht.to_json(), safe=False)

Then use jQuery load data and create Highchart:

class chartit.charts.Chart(datasource, series_options, chart_options=None, x_sortf_mapf_mts=None)

Bases: chartit.charts.BaseChart

__init__(datasource, series_options, chart_options=None, x_sortf_mapf_mts=None)

Chart accept the datasource and some options to create the chart and creates it.


  • datasource (required) - a DataPool object that holds the terms and other information to plot the chart from.

  • series_options (required) - specifies the options to plot the terms on the chart. It is of the form

    [{'options': {
        #any items from HighChart series. For ex.,
        'type': 'column'
       'terms': {
         'x_name': ['y_name',
                    {'other_y_name': {
                       #overriding options}},
      ... #repeat dicts with 'options' & 'terms'

    Where -

    • options (required) - a dict. Any of the parameters from the Highcharts options object - series array are valid as entries in the options dict except data (because data array is generated from your datasource by chartit). For example, type, xAxis, etc. are all valid entries here.


      The items supplied in the options dict are not validated to make sure that Highcharts actually supports them. Any invalid options are just passed to Highcharts JS which silently ignores them.

    • terms (required) - a dict. keys are the x-axis terms and the values are lists of y-axis terms for that particular x-axis term. Both x-axis and y-axis terms must be present in the corresponding datasource, otherwise an APIInputError is raised.

      The entries in the y-axis terms list must either be a str or a dict. If entries are dicts, the keys need to be valid y-term names and the values need to be any options to override the default options. For example,

      [{'options': {
          'type': 'column',
          'yAxis': 0},
        'terms': {
          'city': [
           {'rainfall': {
              'type': 'line',
              'yAxis': 1}}]}}]

      plots a column chart of city vs. temperature as a line chart on yAxis: 0 and city vs. rainfall as a line chart on yAxis: 1. This can alternatively be expressed as two separate entries:

      [{'options': {
          'type': 'column',
          'yAxis': 0},
        'terms': {
          'city': [
       {'options': {
          'type': 'line',
          'yAxis': 1},
        'terms': {
          'city': [
  • chart_options (optional) - a dict. Any of the options from the Highcharts options object are valid (except the options in the series array which are passed in the series_options argument. The following chart_options for example, set the chart title and the axes titles.

    {'chart': {
       'title': {
         'text': 'Weather Chart'}},
     'xAxis': {
       'title': 'month'},
     'yAxis': {
       'title': 'temperature'}}


    The items supplied in the chart_options dict are not validated to make sure that Highcharts actually supports them. Any invalid options are just passed to Highcharts JS which silently ignores them.


  • APIInputError if any of the terms are not present in the corresponding datasource or if the series_options cannot be parsed.
__module__ = 'chartit.charts'

Returns a list of list of lists where each list has the term and option dict with the same xAxis and within each list with same xAxis, all items in same sub-list have items with same ValueQuerySet.

Here is an example of what this function would return.

 [[(term-1-A-1, opts-1-A-1), (term-1-A-2, opts-1-A-2), ...],
  [(term-1-B-1, opts-1-B-1), (term-1-B-2, opts-1-B-2), ...],
 [[term-2-A-1, opts-2-A-1), (term-2-A-2, opts-2-A-2), ...],
  [term-2-B-2, opts-2-B-2), (term-2-B-2, opts-2-B-2), ...],

In the above example,

  • term-1-- all have same xAxis.
  • term--A- all are from same ValueQuerySet (table)

Set some default options, like xAxis title, yAxis title, chart title, etc.

class chartit.charts.PivotChart(datasource, series_options, chart_options=None)

Bases: chartit.charts.BaseChart

__init__(datasource, series_options, chart_options=None)

Creates the PivotChart object.


  • datasource (required) - a PivotDataPool object that holds the terms and other information to plot the chart from.

  • series_options (required) - specifies the options to plot the terms on the chart. It is of the form

    [{'options': {
        #any items from HighChart series. For ex.
        'type': 'column'
      'terms': [
        'other_valid_term': {
          #any options to override. For ex.
         'type': 'area',
      ... #repeat dicts with 'options' & 'terms'

    Where -

    • options (required) - a dict. Any of the parameters from the Highcharts options object - series array are valid as entries in the options dict except data (because data array is generated from your datasource by chartit). For example, type, xAxis, etc. are all valid entries here.


      The items supplied in the options dict are not validated to make sure that Highcharts actually supports them. Any invalid options are just passed to Highcharts JS which silently ignores them.

    • terms (required) - a list. Only terms that are present in the corresponding datasource are valid.


      All the terms are plotted on the y-axis. The categories of the datasource are plotted on the x-axis. There is no option to override this.

      Each of the terms must either be a str or a dict. If entries are dicts, the keys need to be valid terms and the values need to be any options to override the default options. For example,

      [{'options': {
          'type': 'column',
          'yAxis': 0},
        'terms': [
          {'rainfall': {
              'type': 'line',
              'yAxis': 1}}]}]

      plots a pivot column chart of temperature on yAxis: 0 and a line pivot chart of rainfall on yAxis: 1. This can alternatively be expressed as two separate entries:

      [{'options': {
          'type': 'column',
          'yAxis': 0},
        'terms': [
       {'options': {
          'type': 'line',
          'yAxis': 1},
        'terms': [
  • chart_options (optional) - a dict. Any of the options from the Highcharts options object are valid (except the options in the series array which are passed in the series_options argument. The following chart_options for example, set the chart title and the axes titles.

    {'chart': {
       'title': {
         'text': 'Weather Chart'}},
     'xAxis': {
       'title': 'month'},
     'yAxis': {
       'title': 'temperature'}}


    The items supplied in the chart_options dict are not validated to make sure that Highcharts actually supports them. Any invalid options are just passed to Highcharts JS which silently ignores them.


  • APIInputError if any of the terms are not present in the corresponding datasource or if the series_options cannot be parsed.
__module__ = 'chartit.charts'

chartit.exceptions module

Global ChartIt exception and warning classes.

exception chartit.exceptions.APIInputError

Bases: Exception

Some kind of problem when validating the user input.

__module__ = 'chartit.exceptions'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

chartit.utils module

class chartit.utils.RecursiveDefaultDict(data=None)

Bases: collections.defaultdict

The name says it all.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'RecursiveDefaultDict' objects>, '__module__': 'chartit.utils', '__init__': <function RecursiveDefaultDict.__init__ at 0x7f6033c7dae8>, '__getitem__': <function RecursiveDefaultDict.__getitem__ at 0x7f6033c7db70>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'RecursiveDefaultDict' objects>, '__doc__': 'The name says it all.\n ', 'update': <function RecursiveDefaultDict.update at 0x7f6033c7dc80>, '__setitem__': <function RecursiveDefaultDict.__setitem__ at 0x7f6033c7dbf8>})
__module__ = 'chartit.utils'
__setitem__(key, item)

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Accepts a dict or a list of dicts and converts it to a RecursiveDefaultDict.

chartit.validation module

chartit.validation._clean_categories(categories, source)
chartit.validation._clean_field_aliases(fa_actual, fa_cat, fa_lgby)
chartit.validation._clean_legend_by(legend_by, source)
chartit.validation._validate_field_lookup_term(model, term)

Checks whether the term is a valid field_lookup for the model.


  • model (required) - a django model for which to check whether the term is a valid field_lookup.
  • term (required) - the term to check whether it is a valid field lookup for the model supplied.


  • The verbose name of the field if the supplied term is a valid field.


  • APIInputError: If the term supplied is not a valid field lookup parameter for the model.
chartit.validation.clean_cso(series_options, ds)

Clean the Chart series_options input from the user.


Clean the DataPool series input from the user.

chartit.validation.clean_pcso(series_options, ds)

Clean the PivotChart series_options input from the user.


Clean the PivotDataPool series input from the user.


Taken from Django 1.9.8 b/c this is unofficial API which has been deprecated in 1.10.

Module contents

This Django application can be used to create charts and pivot charts directly from models.